spirit level

美 [ˈspɪrɪt levl]英 [ˈspɪrɪt levl]
  • n.(气泡)水准仪

复数: spirit levels

spirit levelspirit level


a glass tube partly filled with liquid, with a bubble of air inside. Spirit levels are used to test whether a surface is level, by the position of the bubble.

also level

spirit level


  • 1
    N-COUNT (气泡)水准仪
    A spirit level is a device for testing to see if a surface is level. It consists of a plastic, wood, or metal frame containing a glass tube of liquid with an air bubble in it.


indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
Synonym: level


  1. Chinese culture and Western should learn from each other in the spirit level .


  2. Check using a spirit level if necessary .


  3. A spirit level is an instrument designed to indicate whether a surface is level .


  4. A straight bar of light metal with a spirit level in it .


  5. A spirit level is not adequate .


  6. The enterprise culture characteristics and structure can be divided into three levels : substance level , system level and spirit level .


  7. And the landscape paintings with rustic charm assist to call human nature back in the spirit level .


  8. Discussing from spirit level , it has spirituality , the characteristics of amalgamation and plasticity .


  9. A surveying instrument having a short telescope fixed to a horizontally rotating table and a spirit level .


  10. In the spirit level will promote thematic , enhance the socialist ideology more attractive and cohesion . 3 .


  11. Moral accomplishment is learning and mental training , which can create personality , enhance spirit level and developing the power of social adapting .


  12. In spirit level , leisure sport with its culture appearance permeate worth a system in people , influence with change people the unseen .


  13. Basically a small telescope with an attached spirit level rotating around a vertical axis ; for measuring relative heights of land .


  14. Through the investigation and analysis shows that the current college students in the spirit level for entrepreneurship has been prepared , but the objective conditions for sure has some lack .


  15. A surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube ; used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target .


  16. The design sketch is not only the foundation of the creative design , but also it unites the material level and spirit level together , as well as merging artistic level and functional level together .


  17. The advertisement is gradual mature in experience society economy , the development of the culture and thought affect process , the advertisement creativity of the present pays attention to the need to the people the spirit level more .


  18. The scholars focus their study of the ethnic groups ' ecological culture in both the substance and spirit level , and the protective methods they have proposed mainly includes : make use of protection , governmental protection , legislative protection , emphasized protection .


  19. Enterprises need to understand the social nature of their employees ' needs and update their knowledge in time . Meanwhile the mangers of the software company should inspire their employees on the spirit level in order to make the motivation effectively and constantly .


  20. By introducing the connotation of enterprises need take up green corporate culture , the paper analyses the necessity of constructing the green corporate culture . It puts forward the countermeasures of building green corporate culture in terms of spirit level , system level and material level respectively .


  21. Ideological and political education is not only the needs of a society , but also the needs of individuals , which is an important access for individuals to develop and perfect themselves in spirit level , and then the process of satisfying individual needs is an individual experience .


  22. Artists should be on the real life and the natural attitude and experience to create the perfect fusion of the paintings in the past . Also injected in the creation of thoughts and feelings and make their content work to achieve full of the spirit level up .


  23. In the modern economic environment , Chinese modern intellectual both wanted to maintain own survival , and were not willing to give up the lofty ideal and pursue easily . They not only despised money at spirit level , but also cannot leave money at material level .


  24. One strand of argument , epitomised by " the spirit level " , a book that caused a stir in Britain , suggests that countries with greater disparities of income fare worse on all manner of social indicators , from higher murder rates to lower life expectancy .


  25. It contains material culture level , behavior culture level , system culture level and spirit culture level .


  26. Only in the development of the spirit Phenomena level by level , will we reach the Absolute Knowledge and realize the unity of Subject and Substitute .


  27. While the development of market economy and science and technology have improved and raised people 's material living standard extremely , humanistic spirit living level has fallen behind even decreased .


  28. But there still exist some serious problems , mainly as follows : partial farmer spiritual emptiness , spirit demand level is low , lack of spiritual and cultural life of spiritual support , inadequate facilities .


  29. Creation not only stands for one 's practical ability , but also reflects one 's spirit and ideological level .


  30. Focus on the role of the epidermis is the external environment , architecture and spirit of the level of dialogue , from the perspective of the human spirit and the vision of building external shape with the surrounding environment .
